Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jeph's 10 Commandments of Texas Hold Em'

I've been asked various times for advice, strategy, tips, etc. Before an afternoon multi player tournament in Tampa, I grabbed a napkin and started to write the "10 Commandments of Texas Hold Em". I eventually sat in front of the computer and finished it. Since then I've passed it around the poker community and received some praise. I thought I might share.

Know Your Game.
Know your game, know your table, know your player(s). You are a well rounded player, use the right technique for the game you’re playing (no limit, limit, tournament, cash game, deep stack, turbo, etc)

2. Every player’s weakness is your strength
Your knowledge of the game will only get you so far. You must continually learn and re-learn your player. That player is only a chip stack to you. You may pick up someone’s tells, betting patterns and technique, but, if you aren’t careful they will pick up on yours. Use everything you know to your advantage, use everything they know against them. Chance will dictate that sometimes you lose, but your biggest weakness is not taking advantage of every possible, legitimate opportunity.

3. A Good Hand is only as Good as you play it
The ingredients of a good hand will be found in how well you play the hand (as it is involved on the table). Getting away from a hand that was once good, but has recently busted, is just as good as the hand that doubles you up. Blaming your hands misfortune on another players poor judgement wont change the outcome of the hand.

4. Action should always be dictated by its situation
Before making any action (check, bet, fold, raise), determine exactly what you’re expecting to happen. Watch the results. If they’re wrong, you made a bad move. Even if you win the hand and/or win more than expected. Your action should invoke the player to do exactly what you want.

5. The Tall Tale Tell
There are many different styles and strategies, but really you have two different players. One who is ahead and one who is behind. When faced with making a call against another player, this is the most basic, yet critical rule. While trying to read a player, there are many tells (breathing, shaking, coughing, smirking, chatting, etc). Strong is weak and weak is strong. Poker is a constant sale, consider what you're investing in. Like any investment, buy low and sell high.

6. Showdowns, Showdowns, Showdowns
All of your homework and notes should be taken during every showdown, regardless if you're in the hand. Every poker player lies. This is your opportunity to see exactly what the player was holding, and more importantly HOW THEY PLAYED the hand.

7. Always assess every hand and make an absolute judgement
What you learn from being wrong, is much more valueable than anything you already know.

8. Your poker style should be comfortable to your personal style.
Try to force something else and you will look desperate and weak. Putting on an act to fool people, doesn't accomplish much. "If you can't spot the sucker during the first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker".

9. Dont become emotionally involved
You're the calm, cool, collected player. Don’t allow yourself to be trapped. The information that you collect at a table, may not be applicable until a later hand. Yes, other players will make the same strategic moves that you do and you may have to LET THEM. Players at YOUR table should NOT WANT to be in a hand with you, KEEP IT THAT WAY. Keeping a player "honest" or "paying to see", these are amateur terms. You dont NEED to see, you know and you'll evaluate the hand accordingly, without paying them off.

10. Chance can dictate a hand, but not your game.
Every player goes through some swings of misfortune. If you convince yourself of anything other than your original knowledge of the game, you will find yourself off course, in a slump and losing. Stick to your game and grind it out.

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